09 Dec
I feel like I'm on the set of LOST. It's weird. Also, I am being devoured by sand flies. Technically marked, since only females attack and they scratch your skin, pee in the wound and then drink your blood. Nasty.
Overnight muesli & cereal combination w/strawberries (Basically mixed muesli, manuka honey & cashews cereal, chocolate
protein powder and oat milk. This masks the weird taste of this protein
powder.) |
Snack from The Salmon Farm Cafe, Lake Paringa, South Island, New Zealand:
Smoked salmon sandwich (I had to stop by the famous salmon farm and get some smoked salmon
because a) it's a "must-stop" and b) it's technically my sister's
birthday since we're Californians. She loves smoked salmon so this is my
"celebration". The smoked salmon was good albeit a bit too salty, but
there was mayo on the sandwich!!! I hate mayo. Ugh. I sat in my car scraping off the mayo for a good twenty minutes before attempting to eat the sandwich.) |
Snack on the road:
Rest of the Cadbury dark chocolate w/almonds bar
Snack while waiting to check in:
Muesli & cereal mix w/oat milk (Sorry, using the same photo because I have to save memory space.) |
Snack while attempting to study in the car:
Rest of the kumara & carrot hummus w/mixed greens (I had three hours until I could check-in and it is pouring outside. So I
sat in my car and tried to study. I was also just eating the salad
straight from the bag while scooping hummus with the little grated
carrots. Passerbys gave me strange looks.) |
1/4 cucumber, strawberries |
"Overnight" muesli & cereal mixture w/strawberries (This is good! The chocolate protein powder and oat milk
combination gives this a creamy, cheesecake-esque texture so I felt like
I was eating a deconstructed chocolate cheesecake. Definitely will make
this again. Yum.) |
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