Banana |
Carrot batons |
Snack from Montparnasse Cafe, London, England:
Pain au chocolat
(Arrived half an hour early to my museums module, and I remembered that there was a très French cafe nearby with apparently amazing croissants. The cafe really was quite French - even the employees were French - and lots of reviews said that this was a piece of France outside of France. They ran out of almond croissants by the time I got there, so I went with a pain au chocolat instead. I've never had a "real" French pain au chocolat, so I don't know if this is the real deal, but it was very good! Surprisingly light with flakey layers, yet quite buttery. The chocolate was dark and bitter, adding that extra depth to the pastry. I think my only complaint would be that there wasn't enough chocolate in the middle.) |
1/2 chocolate dipped stem ginger biscuit (from Whole Foods)
(I missed the tube and thought that I would have a few minutes before the next one came. Nope.) |
1/2 chocolate dipped stem ginger biscuit (from Whole Foods) |
Assorted salads from Whole Foods + spinach (I added this later)
(I love Whole Foods. Expensive, but sometimes you just need fast food. I added the spinach to soak up some of the flavours while making the meal heartier. The pumpkin, adzuki bean and feta cheese salad is still one of the best combinations I've ever tried.) |
Yerba mate tea w/stem ginger biscuit (from Whole Foods) |
Cacao & tangerine granola
(I always tell myself not to buy granola because it's so easy to make at home, but I'm too lazy to actually make granola. Although hands down, this is probably the best granola I've ever had! Chocolate-y with a hint of orange? Delicious! It's like the Terry orange balls x100 but less sweet and more wholesome. I need to replicate this. Today is full of good food choices.) |
Cacao & tangerine granola w/rice milk |
Cacao & tangerine granola, fig & cranberry granola, rice milk, pumpkin seed butter
(I also got some fig and cranberry granola. Not as good as the cacao and tangerine flavour, but still delicious. It's sweet in a fruity way so if you're not a chocolate person, this would be super ideal. Although, the combination of the two flavours is pretty amazing.) |
Fig & cranberry granola |
Michelle, I just came across this; thank you for your birthday shout out! ^^