Wednesday, July 31, 2013

31 July 2013

Greek yogurt w/milo powder & cayenne pepper
(Really getting into this "Mexican hot chocolate" flavour thing. I need some spice in my life, okay?)
Spoonful of pb
Rest of the dark chocolate & cranberry granola
(Packham pears man. Mmm. Half of the statistics lecture gave me weird looks because I was outside eating this pear and didn't want to chomp inside the lecture hall. Also wasn't sure if that was allowed in Melbourne.)
Prunes (2)
Oatmeal cooked in the veggie medley soup w/basil & topped w/black pepper & prima donna cheese
(Mmm this cheese also melts beautifully! I can imagine a grilled cheese and pear sandwich with this. Maybe I'll make that tomorrow for lunch! Unfortunately I have to eat the same oatmeal soup thing for dinner tomorrow, because I keep buying too many groceries so I forbid myself from going near a market until I can deplete everything. It's a struggle. But I think I should be able to go grocery shopping tomorrow to have a fun kitchen weekend! Yay!)
"Mexican" hot milo almond milk (just added some cayenne pepper)
(Sooooo gooood. It's also freezing so this tastes like my "happy place".)
Late night snack:
Potato chips (from Quantas airline) w/some milo powder
(Err bad late night cravings? I don't even like potato chips normally!) 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

30 July 2013

"Mexican hot chocolate" oatmeal: oatmeal cooked w/water, almond milk, milo powder & cayenne pepper
(God, I want some good Mexican food so badly! Playing this Chipotle puzzle game also isn't helping me. Also, eating from the saucepan is very comforting! Miffy gave me a strange look, but try eating straight out of a saucepan while you're in pajamas and sitting on a comfy sofa or in bed. It's glorious.)
Golden kiwifruit
Spoonful of pb
Oatmeal cooked w/the veggie medley soup from yesterday & topped w/black pepper & prima donna cheese
(I remember when I boycotted white rice in my house in an attempt to make my parents buy brown rice. Well, they didn't buy brown rice, but they did buy oatmeal. So I ended up eating oatmeal with everything instead of rice - oatmeal w/tofu, oatmeal w/braised pork, oatmeal w/cinnamon, etc. Savoury oatmeal is just as good as sweet oatmeal! I know my friend's mother likes to make her breakfast oatmeal w/veggies and crack an egg on top. Dude, I think I'm getting into my oatmeal craze again.)
Dark chocolate & cherry granola w/almond milk (2)
(I love cereal. LOVE. Seriously addicting. Had to stop myself.)
Dark chocolate & cherry granola w/pb
(Couldn't really stop myself.)
 Late night snack (which is now about 8PM):
Cold milo almond milk
(Not as good cold. I also made it extra thick, so it was kind of like eating the powder straight up. I don't mind it, since it's kind of like eating chocolate powder, but it wasn't the same as drinking hot milo almond milk.)

Monday, July 29, 2013

29 July 2013

Green kiwifruit, 1/2 piece of toasted multigrain bread w/pb
(Had to run to class - it was my first day!- so I ate this super quickly.)
Pb sandwich on toasted multigrain bread
Toasted multigrain bread w/veggie medley soup (+ some prima donna cheese, not pictured)
(Yum. Spicy and warms the soul, but not hearty. The cheese definitely added some homeyness to this soup though.)
Spoonful of pb (3)
(For protein and just because I like nut butters. WHY CAN'T THEY SELL ALMOND BUTTER?! I can't believe they sell fluffed cheese spread and not almond butter.)
Hot milo almond milk (2)
(Literally, every night.)
Green kiwifruit
(At Miffy's suggestion because I wanted something sweet and cold. Was going for ice cream, but this tasted even better!)

Veggie Medley Soup

The celery was starting get a bit wimpy so I decided to just toss the veggies I had into a pot a soup. The only spices I have are black pepper and cayenne pepper, so not much flavouring is going to get done.

Began by chopping up the rest of the onion and jalapeno pepper that I had. Since I don't like onions, I sliced the 1/2 that I had very finely in hopes of not being able to feel bits of it when I ate it later.
Under the same rationale, I cooked the onion bits first with some of the black pepper and cayenne pepper for seasoning. Then I tossed in the jalapeno when the onion pieces looked mildly cooked.
Added some water to hopefully have some flavoured broth.
Prepared the rest of my veggies!
Yay the "broth" looks good.
Added the carrots in first.
Then the rest of the veggies and let the pot simmer for a bit. Miffy said it smelt great.
Put some prima donna cheese pieces on top for extra flavouring.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

28 July 2013

Yogurt w/kiwifruit & pb
 Sample from Caffe Torre, Melbourne, Australia:
Forkful of Miffy's chocolate muffin
(Tasted more like a sour cream chocolate muffin because while the chocolate flavour was strong, the muffin was very light. Had a slight tang to it that reminded me of Val's muffins. I actually really miss Val's sour cream chocolate muffins.)
Check out Miffy's latte! $5.50 AUD w/the muffin.
Chai tea w/almond milk, strawberries, kiwifruit, toasted multigrain bread w/pb (and one w/milo powder)
(Kid meals are always the best. Reminds me of day care!)
Dark chocolate w/chili
Toasted multigrain bread on pb, celery w/hummus & pepper
Prima donna cheese pieces (3)
Spoonful of pb
 Late night snack:
Oatmeal w/milo powder & pb

Saturday, July 27, 2013

27 July 2013

Brunch at Helados Jauja, Carlton, Melbourne, Australia:
Fresh hot chocolate
(Mmm. Warm, hint of smokyness and fresh bittersweet chocolate. Unfortunately didn't use enough chocolate so some sips were a bit too milky, but it was still good.)
Panqueque con carne y queso: Argentine-style crepe w/beef & cheese
(Was debating between this and the trout crepe w/feta cheese but my waiter said this would taste better. The citrus vinagrette dressed salad was very refreshing after each bite of the savoury crepe. I don't quite know what Argentine style beef is, but the seasoning was good and never tasted too salty to me, which is a feat in and of itself. It almost reminded me of Asian shaken beef (bo luc lac) at times actually. Loved the slight bitter twang each parmeasan shaving added also. The crepe itself was nicely made, but I don't know how it's different from regular crepes. It is a bit thicker and chewier than the French crepes I've eaten, but I don't think the actual batter is much different. Maybe a bit less eggy and vanilla-esque? But this is for a savoury filling, so it wouldn't be a fair comparison.)
My plate setting (that wine bottle is filled with water by the way!).
Reading snack:
Chai tea w/almond milk
(Reading math publications in bed while drinking tea, yay!)
Bite of a ciabatta roll
(Just bought this at the Queen Victoria's market! Couldn't resist having a bite before putting it away.)
Tiny morsel of this prima donna cheese
(Asked the guy which cheese would go well with pears and he let me sample this before I bought it. Bit salty and bitter, but sharp and light in a weird way. It'll go so well with my packham pears!)
Green kiwifruit
Warmed & toasted ciabatta roll w/homemade butternut squash "chili"
(Mmmmmm so good. Warms the soul right up!)
Hot milo almond milk
(So cold. So warm. Mmm. I think I've been drinking hot milo almond milk every night so far!)
Honeycomb crunch chocolate from Quantas airline
(Found this and forgot I had it! This was actually quite good; I'd go and buy this!)
The inside.
Late Night Snack (by late I mean 9PM):
Spoonful of pb