Brunch at Helados Jauja, Carlton, Melbourne, Australia:
Fresh hot chocolate
(Mmm. Warm, hint of smokyness and fresh bittersweet chocolate. Unfortunately didn't use enough chocolate so some sips were a bit too milky, but it was still good.) |
Panqueque con carne y queso: Argentine-style crepe w/beef & cheese
(Was debating between this and the trout crepe w/feta cheese but my waiter said this would taste better. The citrus vinagrette dressed salad was very refreshing after each bite of the savoury crepe. I don't quite know what Argentine style beef is, but the seasoning was good and never tasted too salty to me, which is a feat in and of itself. It almost reminded me of Asian shaken beef (bo luc lac) at times actually. Loved the slight bitter twang each parmeasan shaving added also. The crepe itself was nicely made, but I don't know how it's different from regular crepes. It is a bit thicker and chewier than the French crepes I've eaten, but I don't think the actual batter is much different. Maybe a bit less eggy and vanilla-esque? But this is for a savoury filling, so it wouldn't be a fair comparison.) |
My plate setting (that wine bottle is filled with water by the way!). |
Reading snack:
Chai tea w/almond milk
(Reading math publications in bed while drinking tea, yay!) |
Bite of a ciabatta roll
(Just bought this at the Queen Victoria's market! Couldn't resist having a bite before putting it away.) |
Tiny morsel of this prima donna cheese
(Asked the guy which cheese would go well with pears and he let me sample this before I bought it. Bit salty and bitter, but sharp and light in a weird way. It'll go so well with my packham pears!) |
Green kiwifruit |
Warmed & toasted ciabatta roll w/homemade butternut squash "chili"
(Mmmmmm so good. Warms the soul right up!) |
Hot milo almond milk
(So cold. So warm. Mmm. I think I've been drinking hot milo almond milk every night so far!) |
Honeycomb crunch chocolate from Quantas airline
(Found this and forgot I had it! This was actually quite good; I'd go and buy this!) |
The inside. |
Late Night Snack (by late I mean 9PM):
Spoonful of pb |