Black tea w/almond milk, celery sticks, toasted multigrain bread, hummus w/pepper
(Never too early for some delicious hummus and toast!) |
Tomatoes from Miffy (2)
(She doesn't like tomatoes so I just offered to eat them.) |
Sample from Woolsworth, Carlton, Melbourne, Australia:
Spinach, pumpkin & beet salad
(Wasn't anything particularly exciting. I just really wanted some pumpkin and beets so I chatted a bit and got a sample.) |
Failed job hunt snack from Boost Juice Bar, Carlton, Melbourne, Australia:
Blueberry blast smoothie: blueberries, banana, apple juice, sorbet, TD4 (???) vanilla yogurt & ice
(I suppose this is the Jamba Juice of Australia, but I wasn't impressed. Tasted a bit too frozen and I think they added too much juice and yogurt. Weirdly thick for some sips and super runny for others. I initially went in because I was attempting to get a job here, but really didn't like the environment so ended up just grabbing a smoothie.) |
Snack from Helados Jauja, Carlton, Melbourne, Australia:
Passion fruit gelato (+sampled Mi Amor: rosewater, pistachio & raspberry swirls, not pictured)
(Down the street is my new favourite shop and the same employee was manning the gelato stand. I briefly waved and stopped to chat with her, and she offered me some samples. I chose the mi amor gelato, which was pleasantly refreshing, but the rosewater was a bit too strong for me. Usually the flavour is very subtle but this was just blaring out the fact that it's rose water gelato with crushed pistachios and hints of raspberry. It was good, but not what I really wanted. So I decided to sample the passion fruit gelato because she said it was new. And oh my god, it was amazing. I'm not even going to describe the texture of the gelatoes here anymore because they've all been very consistent and equally fantastic, so just remember that this was light, creamy and refreshing--if you can describe a texture as refreshing. Literally I just felt like the blanket of my dreams billowed out and enveloped my tongue. I sound ridiculous, but I swear, this place just makes me happy. Anyway, the passion fruit flavour was spot on! Light, tart and sweet- it captured exactly what you'd imagine passion fruit should always taste like, rather than its true flavour. And the seeds provided a beautiful contrast against the creamy gelato. If I could recommend an ice cream/gelato flavour of the summer, I think this would be it.) |
Crunchy pb covered in milo powder
(Forget Nutella and pb, milo and pb should be the new thing! Mmm...) |
Crunchy pb covered in milo powder |
Hot milo almond milk w/a teaspoon of pb swirled in
(Since the almond milk is so watered down, adding the teaspoon of pb brought back the creaminess I've been missing. So good on a cold night!) |
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