Another cold and dreary day...
Post-workout snack on the way to lecture:
Green kiwifruit w/pb
(Meant to wake up earlier for a longer-than-usual run but had the weirdest dream. So I went for my run anyway and me being me, ended up being super late. Grabbed this on the way out the door. I only have one required class on Fridays so I just came back an hour later. Kiwifruit and pb actually taste quite good together.) |
Banana cinnamon walnut oatmeal w/strawberries
(Lazy fun Fridays! I love eating from the pot. Better heat retainer and for a place that has no central heating, the pot also serves as a warmer. Reading in bed while eating a classic oatmeal flavour, what could be better on a late Friday morning?) |
Malted choco pb mug lava cake w/walnuts & a strawberry
(Only had several spoonfuls of pb left so I just made a mug lava cake to celebrate Friday. And because this book was making really angsty so I had to put it down for a bit.) |
One of the best ways to eat warm cake. |
Double chocolate w/vanilla Tim Tam (from Miffy) slam w/green tea
(Miffy brought back a unique "flavour" of Tim Tams and offered me one. Friday Fun Day funzies!) |
Prunes, dates, green kiwifruits, strawberries & chunks of "light" cheese
(Yum. More reading snacks! Basically just finished the entire book in a day. It's really quite riveting.) |
Dark chocolate Tim Tam slam w/green tea
(More Friday Fun Day funzie times!) |
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