Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cabbage, Carrot, Potato & Ham Soup

Bought this massive cabbage at the Queen Victoria market for $2 AUD so I'm going to be eating cabbage-based meals for quite awhile.
Puny knife meets big cabbage.

The wind's been howling for the past several days so I decided soup was the best dish to make because (1) I can get rid of some cabbage, (2) I can stay warm and (3) I get super lazy when it's cold outside and soup is easy!
Veggie prep! Diced some red pontiac potatoes, sweet potatoes and a whole lotta carrots.
Washing each cabbage leaf by hand because I'm paranoid.
Yay the beginning of my cabbage soup.
Added in the rest of the veggies and the three spices that I have: cinnamon, black pepper & cayenne pepper.
Wanted to steam the rest of my potatoes but didn't want to get another pot out or hold the colander, so I made a make-shift steamer.
Added the ham once all the veggies looked ready.
Simmering for a bit. Mmm, smells amazing!

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