Sunday, September 28, 2014

And the sickly season begins...

It's the time of the year when I start gulping down sources of vitamin C and taking astralagus root tonics like there's no tomorrow.

Green smoothie* topped w/hemp seeds
(Big boost of vitamin C to combat my cold! Why am I always getting sick?!)

*Green smoothie: spinach, cucumber, peach, mango, OJ, ice
Roasted potato chunks, beans & chard, cucumber slices w/pepper, roasted butternut squash
Spelt croissant, roasted potato chunks w/tomato soup & hemp seeds
(Basically, brunch was a bust. I thought my nausea from yesterday subsided, but it kicked in full force after this meal. All this food was essentially expelled. So much for my vitamin C boost.)
Ginger tea, quinoa porridge w/seaweed
(I can't even go near my tea and coffee bar without wanting to retch. That made me too afraid to go to the dining hall.)
Jalapeno corn muffin
(Trying to eat starch. It didn't work. Jalapeno-flavoured edibles are not good when you're sick.)
Corn muffin
(This stayed down slightly better.)
Spelt croissant
(The closest thing I had to bread. Too buttery, but it helped more than the muffins.) 

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