Darjeeling tea w/almond milk, mixed berry & apple quinoa crumble
(Mmmm so good.) |
Afternoon Dessert (since we didn't drink tea or coffee) at Brunetti, Carlton, Melbourne, Australia:
Biscotti napoletani (gave some to Nathalie)
(I saw "biscotti" and made up my mind right there. Sadly, it tasted more like a shortbread/amaretti mix with a nutty filling instead of the usual biscotti I'm used to. My throat started feeling funky toward the end, so I suspect that there's hazelnut in here and Nathalie said that it did taste a bit hazelnutty. But the description never really mentioned hazelnuts (okay, it just said nuts) and the online recipes I browsed through mainly just have almonds. This store does like hazelnuts though, so perhaps they added some in. I don't know. I liked the shortbread/amaretti part, and this would have tasted much better if I had some tea or some other warm beverage.) |
Nathalie's banana chocolate tart (had a few forkfuls)
(This was extremely banana-y and on the sweeter side. The chocolate was very smooth, rich and creamy - making this dessert quite decadent. It was a bit too rich for me, but Nathalie seemed to enjoy it!) |
Frozen mixed berries, GORP & bran cereal w/almond milk
(Last of Daniel and Winnie's GORP and I added in some of the new trail mix I bought. It doesn't compare, but whatever. Less than two months until I'm back in America!) |
Bran cereal w/almond milk
(I have decided that I like this bran cereal without milk because it tastes just like a baked unsalted chip. Quite delicious if I say so myself. However, with milk, it sort of tastes like I'm eating toasted cardboard. I never thought I'd say that but the flavour completely disappears and its crunchiness just makes it taste like hard paper. So I think the only time I'll ever eat it with milk is when I add other things, like berries.) |
Peas, corn & bran cereal
(I ended up smashing some of the peas and using the cereal as a chip. Fabulous idea.) |
Bran cereal "chips" w/"bean" dip, dried fruit
(This was amazing - the cereal really is chip-like!) |
Bran cereal & trail mix w/almond milk
(Yeah, definitely tastes better with something. Now it's like homemade raisin bran!) |
Bran cereal "chips" w/mushed mung beans, lentils & black beans |
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