Found out that there's a wind storm happening, with winds expected to go up to around 140km/hour. Thank goodness for Steven, the man that picked me up yesterday. I was biking, 75km in with 25km left, when the wind got really bad. I actually got semi-thrown off, which is when Steven drove by and offered me a ride. I was pretty much in tears (a couple hours of sleep and a long, windy bike ride is not fun) and was so grateful. I swear, this whole cycling and backpacking trip has just made me feel like there's not enough ways I can fully express all my gratitude. Anyway, depending on the wind I might be biking to Peel Forest or staying in Methven for another day.
Mocha, mango soy yogurt, strawberries
Snack on the road:
Dried (not crystallised) ginger, dried apricots
Snack on the road:
Rest of the prune & raisin bread
Rose & vanilla tea, mixed greens w/dried goji berries, peanuts, banana
Rose & vanilla tea, peanuts
Dried apricots, dried goji berries
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