Biking along the coastline is gorgeous (I'm still partial to the PCH though), but the wind is horrible. Not bad if it's with you, but like yesterday, I have a feeling it's going to be against me the entire time.
Chocolate cookie w/pb
(Last cookie!)
Warm pb sandwich (3), carrot (2)
guess I should have just made one big sandwich instead of three half
ones. Also finished up the carrots just in case they go bad.)
Snack at Pork's Place, Bicheno, Tasmania:
Banana split w/chocolate & vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, caramel, whipped cream & nuts
REACHED BICHENO. The owner here was so nice and made me an
American-style sundae. I devoured this in ten minutes. So good. Not
super traditional, but I liked how there wasn't much whipped cream and
there was no marshchino cherry. This place is also ridiculously cheap
compared to any place I've seen in Australia. I kind of want to go back
tomorrow and get another one, but I need a sugar break.)
Snack from Pork's Place, Bicheno, Tasmania:
Chocolate 'thick'shake
(The cheapest 'thick'shake I've seen and it's actually thick! The guy gave me two straws because "I'll need it", but it wasn't actually that thick.
More like a regular American shake but still on the runny side.
Milkshakes here are flavoured shaken milk, of all the things to drink.)
Snack from Bicheno Caravan Park Takeaway, Bicheno, Tasmania:
Fish burger w/salad, carrot, beet root & cheese
going to get a veggie burger but I'm at a "beach" town and seafood is
their specialty, so why not? Plus this is healthier than fish and chips.
They also gave me a package of tartare sauce, but I was too icked out
to eat it. The burger was pretty good, but I'm still partial to quinoa
and lentil patties.)
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