So much excitement. Exclamation points and capital letters cannot even
begin to express my exhilaration. Get ready because the next several days will feature a
lot of pizza and gelato.
Breakfast from Good Q Eiscafé, Berlin, Germany:
Frozen yogurt parfait w/blueberries & chocolate granola
(The frozen yogurt here is really good! Tart, creamy and not icy - it's up to California standards.) |
Snack from Wiener Brot Holzofenbäckerei, Berlin, Germany:
Pretzel-esque pastry filled w/a nut paste
(I swore that the label just said "Bretzel" or something like that, so imagine my surprise when I bit into this and got a mouthful of ground nuts. I don't think this is a "Nussbretzel", but I can't remember or find the correct name for this. It feels like a pretzel but it's actually very hard and breaks off. I also think that there's hazelnut in here, because my throat kept getting itchy after eating a bit of this. I tried eating most of it, rationing it out to minimize my reaction, but later ended up throwing the rest away.) |
(Fresh brioche tends to be a safe choice and it was!) |
Poppyseed cake
(Yum. I love poppyseed anything and especially liked how loaded this cake was. Originally, I wanted a poppyseed tart but couldn't find them anywhere!) |
Snack at Berlin Schönefeld Airport:
Yogurt, apple |
Snack at Schokolat, Milan, Italy:
Pistachio and orange dark chocolate gelati (+samples of pure chocolate, forest fruits cheesecake)
(My first gelato in Italy and it was so so amazing. Not going to even bother describing the textures because I'm positive that all the gelaterias in Italy have to meet some sort of fabulous creamy texture guideline before selling their gelati. The dark chocolate orange would have been my sister's dream; the flavours complemented and balanced each other perfectly. I also liked how the pistachio was nutty as opposed to the other type of pistachio gelato, which tastes more like cream.) |
Kelly's milk chocolate and dark chocolate gelati |
Dinner at Osteria al 29, Milan, Italy:
Ortolana: pomodoro, mozzarella, verdure grigliate, basilico
Ortolana: tomato, mozzarella cheese, grilled veggies, basil
(I chose a "crazy" topping instead of the mozzarella, tomato and basil that I wanted. In retrospect, I think I should have stuck with the classic. The vegetables weren't bad but they subtracted from the overall taste and didn't enhance the flavours of the pizza. I found the sauce to be a bit salty, but the cheese was really good. I'm not a big cheese person, so I can't really describe it, but the mozzarella just tasted really fresh.) |
The full table featuring the basket of delicious bread that I overconsumed. |
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