Saturday, August 09, 2014

09 August 2014

Just started watching Chicago P.D. and man, I am hooked. While I'm frustrated that there's only one season out, I'm so relieved because this is a bad time to be getting caught up in a new series. Then again, I finished all fifteen episodes in one day so...

Kale, spinach, blueberry, pineapple, mango, ground flaxseed & flaxseed milk smoothie topped w/cacao nibs
(Parched and starving after an intense cardio and Bikram yoga session. This was much, much needed. I don't know why I've been feeling so exhausted after a session lately; this has never happened before!)
Corn puffs w/melted dark chocolate, peanut butter, almond butter, frozen blueberries, frozen pineapple chunks, cinnamon, cacao nibs & flaxseed milk
Quinoa & oats w/cayenne pepper & apple cider vinegar, kale, spinach, seaweed, sautéed apple chunks w/cinnamon & walnut bits 
(Normally I just mix everything together, but I decided to keep each part separate today. I mean, it just gets all mixed up later and the flavours and textures all complemented each other really well!)
Pineapple, mango & kale "sorbet"

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