I think this day is just to celebrate that special bond between gals (❤ you guys!) - not the multiple partners someone might have but hey, if that's your interpretation, harmlessly go for it.
Tofu veggie lasagna w/broccoli & kale
(Given that Amy's veggie lasagnas are frozen, I still can't believe how tasty they are! This is my first time trying the tofu one, but it was pretty damn good for a frozen meal. I don't know if Amy's original veggie lasagna changed though; the last time I tried one was back in high school. However, I knew the lasagna would be too salty, so I did add in extra greens, but I might have added a bit too much black pepper. Whoops.) |
Matcha green tea, kale, swiss chard, pineapple, mango, lime, cayenne pepper, chia seeds & flaxseed milk smoothie topped w/cacao nibs |
Carrot juice w/chia seeds, baby carrots, grape tomatoes, quinoa black bean chips, gucamole w/cayenne pepper & lime, gucamame w/cayenne pepper & lime
(Can you guess what my all-time favourite vitamin is? I always seem to consume too much vitamin A, but I can't help it if one glass of carrot juice already gives me more than enough of daily percentage. Also, why isn't my vision like Supeman's by now??) |
The wolf mug! I've missed it :)