I had the greatest philosophical life talk with a professor today. Best wishes to his new position!
Also, it's Friday Fun Day! And Coffee Ice Cream Day! And National Read-a-Book Day!
Sadly I didn't finish a book. Or eat coffee ice cream. But whatever.
Overnight chilled oats w/mung bean, almond milk & cinnamon
(I love mung beans, la di da.) |
Double coat Tim Tam slam
(My last double coat Tim Tam!) |
Dark chocolate Tim Tam slam
(Dark chocolate is still my favourite.) |
Lunch at Yami Yami, Melbourne CBD, Melbourne, Australia:
(Not as good as the ones I ate with Daniel in NYC. These were 90% dough while the ones in NYC were more 50% dough. At least the dough was pretty good.) |
Terriyaki chicken (ate half)
(There were a lot of onions and I really don't like onions. So I was already hard-core judging this. Ugh. At least the terriyaki sauce covered up most of the taste. Big portion though nothing spectacular. It's like your typical Asian stir-fry dish.) |
Sample from Bread Kingdom, Melbourne CBD, Melbourne, Australia:
Banana bread sample
(Too dry, but lots of banana flavour!) |
Snack from Tokui Sushi, Melbourne CBD, Melbourne, Australia:
Salmon roll (ate a bite)
(Yay no mayo! The rice wasn't really proper "sushi rice", but I enjoyed the filling to rice ratio. Lots of salmon and avocado compared to the rice, so I totally didn't mind the flavourless rice.) |
Snack from Hanaichi, Melbourne CBD, Melbourne, Australia:
Chicken katsu curry (ate about a quarter)
(Crispy chicken, lighter curry sauce but still very salty. Huge portion. Definitely a quick, cheap and easy meal. Another one of those typical Asian "fast-food" dishes.) |
Golden Gaytime ice cream bar
(Apparently this is a thing in Australia, so I had to try it. I liked the chocolate biscuit covering, but I'm not sure how I feel about the toffee and vanilla ice cream mix. Their flavours weren't particularly prominent; it tasted like I was eating sugary cream with an essence of vanilla and toffee. Very creamy though. And it's so sweet that eating half a bar will satiate an ice cream craving.) |
The box.
(Source of a lot of controversy due to the possible homosexual connotations, but it's still an iconic ice cream bar here.) |
Snack: (bought from Bread Kingdom at Melbourne CBD):
Green tea, slice of orange chiffon cake
(It's somewhat of a cross between a chiffon cake and Asian spongecake, but I don't mind because I love both kinds! While the orange flavour wasn't particularly prominent, the cake's texture was moist, soft and fluffy. And I really enjoyed how it wasn't very sweet at all. Oh, Asian cakes.) |
Late night snack:
Greek yogurt w/a third of a golden gaytime ice cream
(I changed my mind. A third of a bar is definitely the right portion. Tasted great with some tart Greek yogurt!) |
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