Pb & cinnamon oatmeal w/a lot of Greek yogurt
(Tried to finish the rest of the yogurt container - which is a feat considering I literally just bought it - and found out that there was a lot more than I thought left. I think I basically just ate an entire cup of Greek yogurt. Good thing I love tarty flavours!) |
Carrot w/pb
(Also trying to finish the rest of this jar. Still have about a spoonful left.) |
Lunch from French Club at Melb Uni:
Cous cous w/spinach, turmeric, cinnamon, cucumbers, spinach, dates, capsicum (all three colours) & chickpeas
(Randomly got into French club with Nathalie. I've missed prepared veggies! The cous cous had a flavour that I wasn't quite used to, but I began enjoying it toward the end.) |
Some sort of lolly (took a teensy bite and threw it away)
(Ugh, don't even know the flavour of this weird marshmellow-esque gumdrop. Sweet and sour and spicy. I don't know. It was disgusting.) |
Pb, cinnamon, black seasame & a bit of milo powder oatmeal "cake" w/almond milk
(Last of the pb!) |
Late night breakfast preparation:
Ate the corners of a dark chocolate Tim Tam
(Did a slam to melt the chocolate biscuit but instead of eating it, I mashed it with oatmeal and almond milk for tomorrow's breakfast.) |
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