My team essentially completed our "field work" today! Hurrah! Now it's time to pilot some studies.
Grape tomatoes, spinach & seaweed quinoa w/cayenne pepper
(Delicious blend of veggies! I could probably also eat this as a salad when it cools down.) |
Corn puffs & frozen blueberries w/flaxseed milk, cacao nibs, almond butter, ground flaxseeds & cayenne pepper |
Dried mango slices w/almond butter (3) |
Celebratory snack at John's Water Ice, Philadelphia, PA:
Cantaloupe & pineapple gelati w/vanilla birthday cake ice cream
(The cantaloupe water ice tasted just like cantaloupe; I'm so impressed with the potency and freshness! Many cantaloupe/melon-flavoured desserts taste very artificial. The vanilla birthday cake ice cream wasn't birthday cake flavoured ice cream but vanilla ice cream with chunks of cake swirled in! A bit child-esque and the flavour probably wasn't the best for pairing, but I had fun eating it. The sweetness did get overwhelming toward the end though.) |
Grape tomatoes, mashed avocado w/cayenne pepper, pepper & lime, hummus & quinoa black bean chips
(Can't believe I didn't do this before. Amazing platter. So delicious. I'm going to repeat this for the next couple of meals or until I run out of tomatoes and avocadoes.) |
Late night snack:
Corn puffs, frozen blueberries & cereal medley w/ground flaxseeds, almond butter & flaxseed milk |
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