Jenny Lewis's newest album comes out today! I actually received my copy yesterday and I've been
streaming it on NPR for the past week. After her first solo album (not the
first solo album, where she collaborated), I expected this one to be a bit more folksy but when her two singles debuted, I quickly realised that this would be more of a throwback. Regardless, it's a wonderful album and I highly,
highly encourage everyone to listen to it!
Chocolate, pineapple, kale, spinach, ground flaxseed & flaxseed milk smoothie topped w/cacao nibs |
Quinoa black bean chips, grape tomatoes, baby carrots, guacamame w/lime, quinoa w/cayenne pepper, Greek yogurt-based gucamole w/lime
(Did a massive grocery haul at Trader Joe's the other day and since they ran out of the guac I usually get, I decided to try their Greek yogurt and edamame based ones. Inititally, I was highly skeptical of the edamame-based one and thought that I would like the Greek yogurt-based one. False. The Greek yogurt-based one is very creamy, yes, but also reminds me of those artichoke dips from Costco. I just don't like dairy-based dips unless it's nachos; however, if you put this dip on the chip long enough, it will sort of taste like nachos with avocado. Sort of. The edamame-based one is actually quite good once I got over the slightly grainy, gritty texture. It helped that it was on the spicy side, but I liked that there wasn't a weird aftertaste like the Greek yogurt-based one.) |
Mango, pineapple, kale, spinach & flaxseed milk smoothie topped w/frozen pineapples
(Froze it a bit after I blended the smoothie. Super refreshing!) |
Corn puffs w/melted chocolate, frozen pineapples, cinnamon & flaxseed milk |
Late dinner:
Coffee, quinoa oats w/seaweed, grape tomatoes, broccoli, kale, spinach, lime & cayenne pepper
(It's a night of coding, literature and debugging. This quinoa oats bowl was heavenly though! Great harmony of flavours and textures.) |
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