IT WAS ACTUALLY WARM TODAY. Windy, but warm!!! So Nathalie and I took advantage of the awesome weather and had an outdoor studying party.
Spoonful of coffee overnight oats
(Wow, strong coffee. I only started drinking coffee last Tuesday or around that day, and I'm already experiencing withdrawal symptoms!!! THIS IS BAD.) |
Frozen banana chunk w/almond butter |
Pizza Picnic (with pizza from Papa Gino's, Carlton, Melbourne, Australia):
Cheese pizza (shared w/Nathalie)
(Had some basil flakes on it too. We've both had better pizza, but it was cheap and it was pizza! Had two slices and started a third.) |
Chocolate study break:
Splendor chocolate from Nathalie
(We both don't really know why the type of chocolate is called "splendor". Nathalie says it's because it's less sweet than the milk chocolate of that same brand.) |
White chocolate caramel from Nathalie (I don't normally eat white chocolate, but it was highly recommended by Nathalie. I think the caramel pieces are more toffee than caramel, but they made the chocolate.) |
Finished up my third slice (nibbled on the slice for about an hour) |
Another slice of pizza |
47% cacao chocolate from Nathalie
(Definitely a bigger fan of strong, dark chocolate.) |
Cadbury chocolate flake ice cream (2)
(SO SAD. So Nathalie and I both wanted warm, gooey molten lava chocolate cake with some ice cream and we stopped by a grocery store to purchase exactly that. The ramekins were supposed to be baked for thirty minutes, but I don't have an oven so I popped them into the microwave. Three minutes later, they came out smoking and burnt. NO CHOCOLATE CAKE FOR US. My hair still smells like smoke. But the ice cream was really good! Tasted kind of like a Klondike bar actually, with the little flakes of chocolate.) |
Two large spoonfuls of Cadbury chocolate flake ice cream |
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