I feel like during every finals period, I go through a crazy cereal craze. There is a reason I don't buy cereal in general, but more so during certain times of the year.
Mixed berries w/"Australian bush" muesli, vanilla cluster cereal & almond milk
(SO GOOD. I love mah berries.) |
More mixed berries w/cereal blend & almond milk
(I actually could not stop thinking about my breakfast and actually went back to my flat after my first lecture for a quick cereal & berries chowdown. I'm telling you, cereal makes me crazy.) |
Cereal blend w/almond milk
(Tried to decrease the amount of cereal consumption by eating from a teensy container.) |
Apple crumble (there's some GORP underneath the cereal mixture)
(Didn't work. Made a delicious apple crumble featuring cereal and GORP. Smelled heavenly, tasted like bliss. Apples are so versatile!) |
Cereal blend w/almond milk
(Still on the cereal craze...) |
Cereal blend w/almond milk
(Trying to resist... I honestly don't know why I can't stop eating cereal once I've started. Half of the both boxes of cereal is gone now. The boxes weren't huge to start with, but it's only been a day!) |
Sweet potato & carrot soup w/quinoa
(My healthy attempt. Also needed to eat the quinoa from several days ago.) |
Chickpea & lentil spaghetti
(Yum. I warmed this up, but I think I prefer it cold.) |
Apple & mixed berry crumble (there's some GORP underneath the mixture)
(So delicious. Flavours of fall and summer. BEAUTIFUL BLEND. My flat smells awesome and this tasted sinful. Nothing like a warm, fresh crumble on a windy day. Unfortunately, I'm still eating cereal.) |
Cereal blend
(Last one, I swear. Also probably because most of both boxes are gone. Ugh. No self-control when it comes to cereal. Maybe if I buy more sugary cereals, because there's only so much sugar I can ingest in a given amount of time... It has to be the darn milk to cereal ratio...) |
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