Mixed berry oat muffin |
Chickpea, lentil & zucchini spaghetti w/zucchini pasta |
47% dark chocolate from Nathalie |
Dinner with Nathalie at Turf Club Bar, North Melbourne, Australia:
Our pub grub: pot & parm. |
Carlton draught
(It had a strange coconut milky taste, but Nathalie said that it was only an aftertaste - and that was if she had a good imagination. I don't know, but I swear it's sweet and coconutty.) |
Chicken parmeasan w/chips & salad
(Aussies serve their parm with a slice of ham on top. It's been ages since I've eaten ham, I think... but pork and chicken. Interesting. The fries were extremely salty, so the salad vinagrette was a very welcomed addition. Normally I hate salad dressing. The chick parm could have been better, but given the incredibly cheap price (it was also chick parm special night) and huge serving, I don't really mind much. I do prefer parm without the ham and with more sauce though. And while I've been known to eat my weight in chick parm, for some reason, I could barely finish this plate. I'm losing my touch! Or just becoming a normal human being.) |
Cadbury chocolate flake ice cream
(Ice cream is always good.) |
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