Saturday, June 14, 2014

14 June 2014

Oatmeal, quinoa & chia porridge w/corn kernals & strawberries
(Sounds weird, but corn and strawberries actually go really well together! Corn has that savoury yet sweet and juicy flavour, which go so well with fruits - especially berries.)
Some chocolate covered nuts & fruits from Australia
(Aw, my siblings saved me the last of these chocolates from half a year ago! Yay for fridges.)
Homegrown blackberries
(Fresh from my garden! I was a bit skeptical, but they were so juicy and plump! The flavour isn't as sweet as the ones my mom would usually buy, but the juicyness can't be beat.)
Blueberry banana "ice cream" w/homegrown blackberries & chocolate orange granola
Late lunch at Chipotle - N. Capitol, San Jose, CA: 
Chipotle fest with the siblings and Haylie!
Sofritas burrito bowl (+two bites of my brozo's burrito)
(The sofritas taste kind of like a spaghetti meat sauce. I think I prefer the regular veggie burrito bowl.)

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