Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Editors Concert!

Heading up to Camden tonight for an Editors concert! It'll be my first "big" concert in a long time so I'm quite excited. Always good to see a British band on their hometurf.

Edit: The show "started" at 19:00 but they didn't come on until around 21:00. I was getting a little angry because I have a lot of other things to do, but boy, were they worth it. The show was incredible! Raw and primal. Definitely one of the best shows I've ever been to. I mean, just look at this:
Lead singer Tom Smith
Falafels w/hummus & chili powder
(Woke up with a slightly sore throat, but craved falafels. I think I'm just super excited to go to Paris.)
Kinder bueno chocolate bar (ate one piece)
(Claire gave me these and told me the French loved them. They taste just like Ferrero Rocher chocolates but without the exterior crunch. I liked the piece I ate, but I'm allergic to hazelnut so these are going to take me awhile to finish.)
"Immune system boosting" tea
Chocolate pb oatmeal w/cinnamon
Oatmeal & cous cous mixture w/mixed veggies, tumeric & chili powder
Rest of the oatmeal & cous cous mixture w/mixed veggies, tumeric & chili powder
Very late night post-concert snack:
Chocolate oatmeal w/cinnamon & a lot of dates
(Coming down from my euphoria and couldn't sleep so figured I'd stay up and do some things.)

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