Sunday, October 05, 2014

05 October 2014

Green smoothie* topped w/flaxseeds, tomato veggie soup w/lettuce, rosemary potatoes, baby carrots, broccoli, chickpeas

*Green smoothie: spinach, cucumber, peach, mango, banana, OJ, ice
Warm spelt croissant
(Mmm warm croissants. Thank you to Caitlin and John for getting and warming up my croissant!)
Working tea time: 
Citron tea from Lana
(Thank you for bringing your tea over, Lana! I've never had Korean citron tea before but it's really good! It's basically a citrus marmalade-esque thing and you just add hot water. The result is this tart yet sweet hot beverage. I'd liken it to lemon tea with honey, with little bits of lemon peel.)
Upperclassmen BBQ: 
Double veggie burger w/mustard & relish
(Because one veggie burger is never enough but two is too much.)
Tea Time with the boys:
Caramel apples, brussel sprouts, asparagus & roasted butternut squash
(Big thank you to Andrew for grabbing me my all-time favourite dish in Val! I know it's just roasted veggies, but they're so freakishly delicious. Also, they really go with the autumn theme here. The apples were also freshly picked by Michael, so this was a very festive tea time.)
Pita, hummus, some salsa/hot sauce, some peanutty sauce, pickles, banana peppers, pickled red beets (not pictured)
(Michael somehow scrounged up a ton of fresh pita bread, trays of hummus and multiple toppings. Never had banana peppers and pickles with hummus, but the combination is surprisingly tasty - especially with some hot sauce. I'm really intrigued by the peanutty sauce though; why is it so white and watery? I thought it was tahini but it really does taste like liquefied peanuts.)

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