Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Mercenary Merchandise comes in!

I gave this a lot of thought, especially because I don't know half of my audience and sometimes I'll accidentally post something "incriminating" (e.g. I skipped a class) and someone will see it (e.g. the dean asked for my blog). But I'm always posting about the various bands I love, films I've seen, et cetera and I figure that posting about a brand can't be too different.

I was on my fake Instagram feed awhile ago and some user posted this cap that I had to have; I went on Google and made a mental note to remember the brand (I'm not exactly rolling in the dough here) but ended up absolutely loving their message. Getting an income from doing what one enjoys should be everyone's goal, but paths always seem to converge to maximal monetary gains. I really believe that people should enjoy what they do to an extent, instead of loathing Sunday nights and counting the seconds on Friday afternoons. All that money isn't going to make those weekdays any better. My parents highly disagree with me and while I can see their side, I'm going to stick with mine.

Anyway, I ended up purchasing a snapback and the package arrived today!!! It came with this awesome black lettermen t-shirt and bandana thing that I'm not quite sure how to wear/use, but thank you, Mercenary Merchandise (even if you never see this)! I'm so excited to wear the pieces and if I had money to spare, I'd totally purchase the entire stock. Problems of a shoe and cap addict, but let's not go there.

Do check them out if you have time to spare though! I don't know them personally, but they seem really sweet and appreciative of every supporter. Nothing better than a brand with a good message and fabulous service.

Pineapple, kale, mango, spinach, swiss chard, lime, flaxseed milk & chia seeds smoothie w/almond butter
Watermelon w/almond butter
Green chia kombucha
Quinoa oats w/broccoli, seaweed, grape tomatoes, kale, spinach, lime & cayenne pepper and topped w/gucamole, gucamame & quinoa black bean chips
(A very delicious bowl with lots of texture and flavours.)

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