Saturday, December 13, 2014

Festivities with the S2 Crew

Assorted cereal w/dates, cinnamon & almond milk
Grilled cheese sandwich w/spinach & tomato, tomato bisque, cucumber slices, sweet potato fries
(I don't like cheese, but I love grilled cheese and tomato soup nights.)
Caitlin and Marie's Birthday Dinner at Johnny's Tavern, Amherst, MA:
Lots of bread and tomato-flavoured oil
(I ate way too much bread. Also notice Claire's waffle cup feature.)
Sample of dogfish head IPA
(They ran out of the Green Flash IPA and their only other dark beer had hazelnut in it. I ended up going with the oatmeal stout.)
Founders oatmeal stout (shared w/Andrew)
(I like darker beers with food, but I think my tolerance is now zero. Would not have been able to finish this without Andrew's help.)
Peter & Angela's truffle fries (ate two, mostly stole their dipping sauce for the bread)
(I don't like garlic.)
Peter & Angela's crispy pork belly
Angela wanted to be in my food diary.
Andrew's tavern burger (stole some of his fries)
Shannon's pork (?) special w/squash balls (ate a teensy bit of the squash)
(The chutney was interesting. It probably complemented the meat more than the fried squash.)
Caitlin's squid ink pasta special
(All I saw was a lot of seafood. It was too dark to distinguish the other ingredients.)
Pear crisp w/cinnamon ice cream special
(Tasted like holiday cheer, whatever that means. I love cinnamon, so this flavour was right up my alley and I liked the creamy, gelato-esque texture. The crisp was very oatmeal-y, which I would have liked had it not had coconut in it. Or at least I think it did. I mostly ate the warm pear chunks because I didn't want my throat to close up.)
Andrew's warm brownie sundae w/caramel ice cream (ate some bites)
(Would have preferred a warmer and nuttier brownie with a different flavour of ice cream, but I can see why this was the winning dessert of the night!)
Caitlin's rum budino (ate two spoonfuls)
(Too rich, too sweet and I don't like rum-flavoured edibles when it's ultra dense and creamy. This was just too much.)
S2 Crew Holiday Festivities:
Hot cocoa, chocolate chip cookie
A selection of the edible goods.

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