Saturday, February 22, 2014

Stonehenge + Salisbury Excursion

Went on a day trip to see Stonehenge and Salisbury with my study abroad program today. I suppose Stonehenge was cool, but I wish we had more time to explore Salisbury on our own instead of listening to some "registered tour guide" ramble and make horrid puns for over an hour.

Breakfast (part I):
Few spoonfuls of the eggplant, butternut squash & spinach casserole (picture from yesterday)
(I was running late so I just ate a few quick spoonfuls before I had to head out.)
Breakfast (part II) from Crussh (on Notting Hill Gate), London, England:
Veggie Greens juice: kale, spinach, lime, celery & cucumber
(I miss my juicer and my mom's juices.)
Sweet potato falafel salad wrap: sweet potato falafels, cucumber, red pepper, alfalfa, lettuce & watercress & coriander hummus in a multigrain wrap
(Ate half for breakfast and ate half later at Stonehenge. I liked the flavour combination, although I think they added sugar to the falafel because it was too sweet.)
Hob nob biscuit (4)
(Been craving biscuits lately. I really should just buy some flour and bake.)
Eggplant, butternut squash & spinach casserole (2)

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