Wednesday, July 31, 2013

31 July 2013

Greek yogurt w/milo powder & cayenne pepper
(Really getting into this "Mexican hot chocolate" flavour thing. I need some spice in my life, okay?)
Spoonful of pb
Rest of the dark chocolate & cranberry granola
(Packham pears man. Mmm. Half of the statistics lecture gave me weird looks because I was outside eating this pear and didn't want to chomp inside the lecture hall. Also wasn't sure if that was allowed in Melbourne.)
Prunes (2)
Oatmeal cooked in the veggie medley soup w/basil & topped w/black pepper & prima donna cheese
(Mmm this cheese also melts beautifully! I can imagine a grilled cheese and pear sandwich with this. Maybe I'll make that tomorrow for lunch! Unfortunately I have to eat the same oatmeal soup thing for dinner tomorrow, because I keep buying too many groceries so I forbid myself from going near a market until I can deplete everything. It's a struggle. But I think I should be able to go grocery shopping tomorrow to have a fun kitchen weekend! Yay!)
"Mexican" hot milo almond milk (just added some cayenne pepper)
(Sooooo gooood. It's also freezing so this tastes like my "happy place".)
Late night snack:
Potato chips (from Quantas airline) w/some milo powder
(Err bad late night cravings? I don't even like potato chips normally!) 

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