Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy birthday Karen!!!

And good-bye Australia!

I'm about to fly back to California and redo the 29th of Dec. Can't believe my time here is over.

Too. Much. Food.

Coffee, greens 3 juice, peas & corn
Mixed nuts (ate throughout the day/night/day again)
Meal on the plane:
OJ, chocolate bar (didn't eat), pasta (ate a few bites), mixed greens, bread roll (ate w/pasta sauce), honey & fig panna cotta (ate two forkfuls)
(The pasta was too soggy and the panna cotta was too sweet and creamy.)
 Snack on the plane:
Mango ice cream
(I liked this.)
 Snack on the plane:
Apple, crackers & cheese (ate a bite of the cheese)
 Snack on the plane:
Roasted red pepper & tomato pizza sub
 Breakfast on the plane:
OJ (drank a sip), coffee, apple, muesli, mixed fruit, muffin (ate two bites), milk (didn't drink)
(I think the muffin had coconut in it.)
(Almost in Los Angeles!!!)
Assorted chocolate covered things from Australia (ate a piece of each)
(My cousin's gift to my family so I had to wait until I got home to try this.)
Bread roll
(My favourite bread! Love how my mom always stocks up when I'm home.)
 Samples in Costco:
Chocolate gelato
Dried mango
Biscotti (ate half)
Pistachios (ate five)
Freshly pressed carrot juice
Two chopstick-fuls of my sister's fried noodles
Roasted almonds
Green tea, freshly pressed pomegranate juice, 1/2 biscotti
 Snack from Naan N' Masala, Milpitas, CA (brought over by Stephanie):
Chai tea, samosa
 Snack at Mi Pueblo Supermarket, San Jose, CA:
Veggie burrito (shared w/Stephanie)
Sample of some kind of sweet bread
Pineapple, pumpkin pie (2), green tea
Dark chocolate Tim Tam, green tea
(Had to show Stephanie how to do a slam.)

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