Saturday, October 19, 2013

19 October 2013

Sweet potato & banana oatcakes w/almond butter
(Decided to make my overnight oats into "cakes" instead. The banana flavour was very strong though, so it kind of just tasted like pan-grilled bananas.)
Peas & corn (ate half)
Leftover Thai food w/quinoa, peas & corn
(So good with quinoa! It, along with the peas and corn, helped dilute the green curry (had to add some almond milk for extra caution). I still can't figure out what the caper-like thing is; it does not taste like capers but it's freaking everywhere in that dish and keeps exploding! I can't put my name on the spice it resembles when it explodes either, but it sort of irritates my tongue a lot. Good thing I've managed to pick out almost all of them.)
Anyone know what these things are?
Frozen mixed berries & GORP w/almond milk
(I think I died. SO GOOD.)
Dried mango w/almond butter (4)
(I lied. I'm now dead. THIS COMBINATION IS MAGIC. Mangoes are one of my favourite fruits already, but eating them dried with almond butter? Perfection! This should be a staple. I couldn't stop after one. Seriously. DELICIOUS.)

Frozen mixed berries & GORP w/almond milk
Almond butter quinoa "cake"
(Quinoa cookies are a thing, and they're actually quite good. Wanted to see what microwaved quinoa, almond butter and almond milk would taste like so I gave it a whirl. Good, but not something I'd make multiple times.)
Black sesame oat muffin w/almond butter
(Yummm. Also used up all of my black seasame powder.)
Dried mango (6)
(Addicted to dried mango pieces. I get addicted to things too easily. But my name is basically mango, so how can I not love this fruit?)
1/4 cup of sweet potato & carrot soup
(Also found out that my nudie juice goes really well with this soup. So I basically put two spoonfuls of this soup in a cup and added some of the juice, microwaved it and ate the mixture. Great snack for studying on a cold night.)

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