Saturday, November 23, 2013

Happy birthday Peter!

Early morning flight to Adelaide! Super excited because this is one of the cities I've been wanting to visit in Australia for a long time.

I got a bit too excited at the Central Market...

Early pre-flight breakfast:
Rest of the Charlie's smoothie
(It's five in the morning and I'm chugging the rest of this bottle down before I head through security. Not a good mix.)
Breakfast in Melbourne Tullamarine Airport, Melbourne, Australia:
Rest of the dried apricots
Breakfast from Providore in Adelaide Central Market, Adelaide, Australia:
German apple cheesecake
(I liked the apple walnut topping but wasn't fond of the whipped cream. The richness wasn't too bad, compared to the other Australian cheesecakes I've had.)
Chocolate almond croissant
(Not very good. It was more like a dinner roll covered in lots of chocolate and topped with almonds. The chocolate was very good though (they also make chocolates apparently), and I ended up dunking most of the pastry part into the coffee.)
Chocolate chip cookie
(I like my cookies warm and soft if I buy them from a bakery and crisp otherwise. This was crisp so I wasn't a huge fan but it was loaded with chocolate. I think this bakery compensates by adding a lot of chocolate.)
Snack from The Perfect Cup in Adelaide Central Market, Adelaide, Australia:
(Much, much needed.)
Samples from Wild Loaf in Adelaide Central Market, Adelaide, Australia:
Chia & quinoa sourdough, fig & walnut sourdough
(The chia & quinoa one had a nutty flavour and gritty texture. Would have been a great sandwich/soup bread. I really liked the fig & walnut one though. Tasted like a healthier version of a fruit bun or something. I would have gotten a loaf if I could have finished it before flying to Sydney (lack of storage and weight restrictions).)
Sample from Say Cheese in Adelaide Central Market, Adelaide, Australia:
Cheddar cheese of some sort
(It was very rich and on the bitter side. I'm not a big cheese person and the richer the cheese, the more ill I usually feel. I think I'm becoming lactose intolerant! Major problem here.)
 Sample from some fruit stand in Adelaide Central Market, Adelaide, Australia:
Snack from Wild Loaf in Adelaide Central Market, Adelaide, Australia:
Almond croissant
(Now this is a real almond croissant! Mmmm, light and buttery with a good flakey crust. Not too sweet and filled with almond paste. Yum.)
Snack from The Yogurt Shop in Adelaide Central Market, Adelaide, Australia:
Unsweetened yogurt topped w/blueberries and passionfruit
(Thick and ultra creamy. Yogurt's the only dairy product that I can consume quite a bit of without feeling sick. I really liked the texture of this yogurt, if it had been a little colder, it would have been passable as frozen yogurt. And frozen yogurt is sometime even better than ice cream.)
Snack from the Vietnamese food stall in Adelaide Central Food Plaza, Adelaide, Australia:
Vegetarian egg roll
(I asked the lady about something in English but she didn't understand me very well so I ended up speaking to her in Vietnamese. She was really nice to me after that. So amusing.)
Snack from Genuine Taiwan Pearl Bubble Milk Tea, Chinatown, Adelaide, Australia:
Black seasame milk tea (w/o sugar) w/red beans
(Mmm. Creamy and nutty with a good amount of sweetness from the red beans. I wanted taro or green tea, but the green tea cost $2 more and they didnt't have the kind I wanted while the taro looked suspicious (saw the people in front of me get their drink).)

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